Live von der Online Educa

Ich befinde mich gerade auf der online educa in Berlin und werde gleich in einen Workshop „Creating Games for E-Learning“ gehen.
Aus der Programmankündigung:

In this workshop, participants will prototype a learning game. There has been a lot of talk about using games for learning and with good reason. Games are fun because they involve learning and learning is intrinsically fun. The trouble is, education and training frequently do not involve true learning. And most training organisations do not have the expertise necessary to develop playable games that actually teach something.
The workshop will begin with a brief discussion of why games and simulations make such powerful learning experiences. Then, participants will be challenged to design and prototype a learning game for a specific learning objective. Teams of four will receive different objects that must be incorporated as artificial constraints to support the ideation process. After 90 minutes, teams will present their designs to each other and then discuss the experience. The facilitated debrief will allow participants to discover general principles and processes of game design for learning. Depending on the composition of the class, the guided discussion may focus on different topics, including game design, game implementation, how to align a game-based learning approach with a corporate culture, and how to hire and train a training team that can successfully implement game-based instructional design.

Ich bin mal gespannt, wie es wird. Ein ausführlicher Bericht folgt im Laufe des Tages ;-).