attitudes towards the computer


Conclusions supported by the analysis of data collected in wide samples of respondents were drawn in studies carried out about the so-called attitude towards the computer (Yaghi, 1997) which includes different dimensions that can be classified into the following main categories:
1. Emotional reactions towards the computer (anxiety, frustration, tension, nervousness or stress, fatigue or boredom; being intimidated by computers; feeling helpless or isolated; enjoying the computer or perceiving computer as a entertaining or exciting activity).
2. Curiosity, interest, and motivation toward computer.
3. Opinions about the importance of the computer (being glad that computers are becoming widely used, recognizing the role of computers in the society, appreciating the usefulness of the computer, or claiming that computers are dehumanizing, etc.).
4. Opinions about computer users (folk ideas about the alleged features of persons who like computers and gender stereotypes associated with computer use).
5. Personal skills (wanting to be appreciated as a computer proficient person), efficacy (self-confidence, feeling in control of the computer, evaluation of personal aptitudes and abilities or skills), and strategies in computer using (for example, developing shortcuts). (S. 270)

Quelle: Antonietti, A., & Giorgetti, M. (2006). Teachers beliefs about learning from multimedia. Computers in Human Behavior, 22, pp. 267–282.

Meines Erachtens werden diese Aspekte (die es nicht nur auf Seiten der Lehrer, sondern durchaus auch auf Lernerseite gibt) bei der Implementation und vor allem bei der Evaluation von E-Learning zu wenig berücksichtigt. Ein breiter Evaluationsansatz müsste diese berücksichtigen. Das wäre doch mal eine Untersuchung wert. Mal schauen, ob man es angehen kann ;-).