Ich bin auf einen interessanten Artikel gestossen: Proberta, E. (in print). Information literacy skills: Teacher understandings and practice. Computer & Education (2009):
This article reports on a project, involving three New Zealand schools, which investigated teachers’ understanding of information literacy and their associated classroom practices. Recently published work, while lamenting school students’ lack of information literacy skills, including working with online resources, provides little research investigating classroom teachers’ knowledge of information literacy skills and their related pedagogical practice. The findings of this project indicate that while some of the teachers in this project had a reasonably good understanding of the concept of information literacy, very few reported developing
their students’ information literacy skills.“
Spannende Ergebnisse fand ich unter anderem
- „Overall, participants with little understanding of information literacy taught mathematics, science, technology, health and physical education while those with a limited or good understanging taught English, languages and social studies.“ (p. 5)
- „information literacy is concerned mostly with using IT“: die meisten Lehrkräfte nehmen an, dass information literacy skills gleich sind mit ICT skills (p.5)
- „It appears from this evidence gathered from questionnaire, interviews, discussions and documentation that a number of teachers did have some understanding of the concept of information literacy. (…) It was also evident that a number of teachers in a variety of departments from all three schools, regardless of age or years in teaching, were not explicitly teaching information literacy skills or providing inquiry learning opportunities, using an information process, for students.“
Nachgefragt, warum dies so ist, kamen in den Interviews folgende Erklärungsmuster, das ich ja kaum glauben konnte: „Interviewees gave several reasons given for not explicitly teaching information literacy skills, including time factors and that ‘‘research was covered in other subject areas so we don’t need to do it†(School C). Another reason given was that too many students simply ‘‘copied and pasted†but no teacher indicated that this might be because students needed more strategies to help them develop better skills.“ (p. 8, Hervorhebung im Original). Ich musste diese Passage wirklich doppelt lesen, ob ich mich nicht verlesen habe: Lehrende vermitteln keine Informationskompetenz, da zu viele Schülerinnen und Schüler sowieso copy und paste machen??