Lehrer & Technologien

"Teachers Talk Tech 2006:
Fulfilling Technology’s Promise of Improved Student Performance"
Untersuchte 1’000 Lehrer über die Rolle der Medien im Klassenzimmer. Hier einige ausgewählte Ergebnisse (Quelle:www.eschoolnews.com):

According to the survey, four out of five teachers indicated that technology is very or somewhat important to teaching. Eighty-eight percent of those surveyed said technology is important to administrative functions such as attendance and grading, while 86 percent agreed it was important to communications with other teachers, administrators, parents, and students.

In addition, 81 percent of those surveyed said they use technology for research purposes when preparing lessons, and 79 percent use technology
as a teaching tool in the classroom. Further, 63 percent of teachers characterize their classroom technology skills as "somewhat advanced" or "advanced," with a 5-percent increase in the percentage of users who
consider themselves "somewhat advanced" since 2003.

Seventy-nine percent of teachers say they are either "competent" or "highly competent" in using instructional software, and 76 percent chose the same designations for their ability to integrate computing into lessons. What’s more, 66 percent of respondents said they were "competent" or "highly competent" in using technology to develop critical-thinking skillsin their students. Seventy percent of teachers indicated competence in using data analysis tools to gauge student performance–a key to achieving federal requirements ushered in under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)


  • Technology is bridging the gap between 21st century skills and core curriculum
  • The teaching process is fundamentally changing as teachers move from learning how computers work to using technology to change how they
    teach, culminating in transforming how students learn
  • Teachers believe technology is increasingly influencing the teaching of thinking and learning skills to develop lifelong learners
  • Teachers view technology as an effective tool for administration, communication and research functions
  • Education is today where business was 20 years ago – on the cusp of radically transforming the learning environment

Quelle: http://newsroom.cdwg.com/features/feature-06-26-06.html

Teachers overwhelmingly agreed that the use of technology in the classroom makes students more
engaged, and most agreed that students‘ academic standing has improved as a result of technology’s use. Eighty-two percent of teachers surveyed said students are more engaged when technology is being employed in classroom activities. Sixty-five percent said students‘ academic performance improves with the use of classroom computers.
Teachers also noted that computers have been found to help students think more creatively (64 percent), and more independently, if those computers are in the classroom (47 percent).

I think the biggest ‚aha‘ of the study is that we are starting to see a direct correlation between hours of professional development and how thoroughly technology is being integrated into the classroom," Kirby said. "These are things we’ve always suspected, but now we have some actual statistics through the surveys that validate the correlations."

Studie Teachers Talk Tech 2006Presseartikel [via elearnspace]Das heisst, es scheint doch möglich, mit Hilfe von Medien kritisches Denken zu fördern -) Obwohl dies "nur" implizite Annahmen der Lehrenden sind, gibt es doch Hoffnung. Was mir an der Studie fehlt, ist eine Definition von Technologien (vielleicht habe ich es auch überlesen ;-/ ). Für ein weiteres Verfolgen des Punktes ct scheint mir dies wichtig zu sein. Ist mit Technologie der Einsatz des Internets im Klassenzimmer gemeint, oder doch spezifische Werkzeuge wie Blogs oder Wikis. Vor allem Blogs scheinen das Zeug zur Förderung kritischen Denkens zu haben, vor allem durch das (reflexive) Schreiben. Ich bleibe dran ;-)