Nettes Tagungsmotto …

Es wird explizit mal nicht über Erfolgsgeschichten berichtet, sondern man dreht den Spiess rum: WWW-TEL06 What Went Wrong with Technology Enhanced LearningAus der Ankündigung:

BACKGROUNDMost conferences and workshops report on success stories only. This is somewhat perplexing:

  • Isn’t research supposed to deal with challenging approaches?
  • Aren’t we supposed to take risks?
  • Doesn’t that imply that things should occasionally not work out as hoped?
  • If nothing ever goes wrong, then maybe we are not taking enough risks?
  • If things do occasionally go wrong, then why do we never hear about those failures in conferences and workshops?

More importantly: what can we learn from failures in E-Learning projects? How do we utilize failures to improve our work?
WORKSHOPIn this WWW-TEL06 workshop, we will explore these and related questions. We explicitly solicit papers that report on Technology Enhanced Learning projects that did NOT achieve the originally intended outcome. Such projects can be more research oriented or more practically oriented.
SUBMISSIONSA crucial aspect of the submissions is the analysis of WHY things went wrong and what can be learned from the experience. Maybe the original idea was misconceived? Maybe the resources were inadequate? Maybe there were some additional, unexpected problems? Maybe everything worked fine on the technical level but organization barriers blocked progress? What can be done to avoid things going wrong in future?For this workshop, we expect research papers of 6 to 8 pages. As this is a somewhat “different” workshop, authors are encouraged to contact the organizers if they have any questions!Before the actual workshop event, all accepted papers will be made available in an open way on the workshop web site. Participants will be expected to have read the papers before the event, so that the workshop can be more discussion than presentation oriented. Plans for a special issue of a journal – or maybe a “different” kind of continued
continuation are being discussed…
