Podcast – didaktische Möglichkeiten

Der Artikel "Exploiting the educational potential of podcasting"von Dave Jobbings (2005) beschreibt verschiedene Lernziele & Szenarien von Podcasts:Scenario 1: Tourism guides
Recently, in Glasgow, an iTour was launched to promote the tourist trade containing a sponsored music guide to the city. Once the podcast is from the website and transferred onto a MP3 player, the tourist only
needs to acquire a map of the city, travel to the start location and press the "play" button for the commentary. The information in the iTour leads the way! Another website providing audio tours in the form of podcasts has also been launched (Please note: this link opens in a new window).
Scenario 2: Story Telling
Hearing a story can be as entertaining as reading for children and adults alike. For those with failing sight or visually impaired, audio books become essential Audio books have been on the market for some time and
there are many genres and titles available. Popular titles for children currently include the Harry Potter series. Audio books come in different formats – audio cassette, CD and digital radio.
Scenario 3: Radio Shows

Podcast radio shows are hosted and presented on the Internet and cover a wide range of topics and interests. Some of the categories listed on The Podcast Directory, at www.podcast.net, include the arts, entertainment, computing and the Internet, science and nature, home and lifestyle, hobbies and recreation, news and media, society and culture and sports.
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