
Der Mensch spielt nur, wo er in voller Bedeutung des Wortes Mensch ist, und er ist nur da ganz Mensch, wo er spielt.
Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)

Für alle, die sich für gaming im pädagogischen Kontext interessieren: hier gibt es ein Wiki mit viel Literatur und multimedialen Beispielen – und da sage noch jemand, beim Spielen lernt man nichts ;-)

Inhalt: Teaching Educational Games Resources
Readings – A list of the writings you use in teaching about educational games
Multi-media Materials – A list of the games and other multimedia materials you use in teaching about educational games
Technical Resources – A list of technical resources (software, games, game engines, etc.) that have been used in teaching about educational games
Classroom Help – Online classes, and the syllabi, schedules, and other materials you use in teaching about educational games
Additional Teaching Resources
– Links to other resources that are useful to folks teaching about
educational games (including conferences, academic programs, online
journals, etc.)
Career Resources – Links to resources primarily focused on career options for students taking educational game courses
Gaming and Libraries – What libraries are doing with gamesNachtrag 20.06.2006:Kirk, J.; Belovics, R.: An Intro to online Training games(…) The
argument works as follows: As members of the Games Generation enter the
workforce, trainers must realize that existing lecture-based training
is no longer the only effective method. Enter computer-based training
games, which not only offer interactive learning, but also provide a
familiar method of information delivery via a computer or the Internet (Quelle)Einen guten Überblick über online training games liefert folgendes pdf